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Investment deposit under the guarantee of a diamond

Автор: admin Последнее изменение: 2017-04-05 16:57
The investment deposit guaranteed by the diamond more then 1 ct or not less than five thousand dollars. This option allows you to shave from a shortage of investment in diamonds, namely the difficulty of converting diamond into cash (liquidity).

About the investment in diamonds is well known. We will not consider all the pros and cons of such investments, it is written a lot comments. The fact remains that every investor wants to diversify their investments, and investments in diamonds are the least risky and stable component of an investment portfolio.Working with us, you can diversify your investment portfolio diamond.The three main options:
Option C. The investment deposit guaranteed by the diamond more then 1 ct or not less than five thousand dollars. This option allows you to shave from a shortage of investment in diamonds, namely the difficulty of converting diamond into cash (liquidity).
It also provides an opportunity to get real margin, not just estimated, due to changes in the market value of the stone. As option B, you, with our help, can find a diamond, which later becomes the guarantee of your investment, it is your own, you can pick up, and can be sold to raise additional revenue. Payment is by transfer to our account. You get a receipt for the money, and scan of certificate chosen stone and we sign a mutual agreement in which you transmit to us with the request to sell the stone with benefit as a diamond, or as part of jewelry. Given that diamonds are the basis of most products of our collection, the probability of re-sale of your stone is very large, but it is not unconditional. It all depends on the stone and market trends. You can get money only at resale. When there is the possibility of resale, we are linking to you. You can get the money you invested plus a margin (minus our operating $ 100) to the same account from which they came. Or you can choose to guarantee another stone and continue the investment program to a greater or lesser extent, depending on your decision and your choice of another diamond.
At any time you can go to option A or B: get your investment in the form of diamond or jewelry. Meanwhile, according to option A you will need to pay (bank transfer only!) for jewelry and it will be delivered to you along with all the certificates. Under option B you need to pay us $ 100 operating, you will receive a specially packaged and have undergone a diamond exports with the accompanying documents, including the original certificate. Pickup.
Below is an example of text mutual agreement:
I, Ivanov Mohamed Isaakovich, instruct to Iridium Holdings Ltd buy a diamond ____ (certificate number ____), price ____ US$. This diamond will my property. I agree to leave it in temporary storage in the company Iridium Holdings Ltd for the purpose of resale with profit, in agreement with me. Iridium Holdings Ltd Company confirms that it has received from Ivanov Mohamed Isaakovich for temporary storage acquired them as a guarantee of investment diamond ____ (certificate number ____), price ____ US$. This stone will be sent to Ivanov Muhammad Isaakovich on demand in accordance with all legal procedures. By agreement with the owner, a diamond can be sold and the money received from the sale are used under his direction: listed on the owner’s account, invested in the acquisition of another diamond or jewelry making.
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